About Aarhus Blótlaug

“Aarhus Blótlaug”, which translated to English means “Aarhus Blót Guild”, is a kindred and association. We are based in Aarhus, but our members also come from other parts of Mid-Jutland. Most of us are members of Forn Siðr, but this is not a requirement to become a member of Aarhus Blótlaug, as long as you are willing to abide by our statutes.

We always celebrate the 4 major annual blóts: winter and summer solstice and autumn and spring equinox. In addition, we have other activities, which the various enterprising members are each responsible for. We try to make each other wiser about our common past by holding seminars on, for example, runes, interpretation of the Edda poems, Old Norse and much more. Bus trips to ancient monuments can be arranged, preferably with a subsequent party – only the members’ imagination sets limits.

All work in is voluntary, so the number of activities etc. depends on the members’ good ideas and time to organize and support initiatives from other members, just like in any other association run by volunteers. This means that there are periods when a lot happens, and other periods when less happens.

Aarhus Blótlaug has existed as an association in its current form for 25 years. The blótlaug was founded in 2000 by Bent Dahlin and Christine Fentz, who by the way were also involved in founding Forn Siðr. They started to blót together in 1998, as they wanted to celebrate the four festivals with other asatru believers. At the first joint blót, there were around 8-10 participants.

After two years with a growing core of regular participants, around 15-20 people, it was decided to found Aarhus Blótlaug as an association.

Aarhus Blótlaug is an association with articles of association, but without a formal board. We have a working group consisting of a secretary and a treasurer, and all major decisions are made at our annual Thing, where all members have the opportunity to participate and vote.

Over the years, the number of members has fluctuated between approx. 20 and 50 people. The age range is large, some have their children with them to the blót, other members have long since reached retirement age. Aarhus Blótlaug is apolitical, and has members across the established political landscape.

Several of our members are also members of other, often smaller, private community kindreds.

Our logo is based on a rock carving in Tanum, Sweden. The figure depicts a horse pulling the sun across the sky.